Mt Tam 30K 2023

Stinson Beach, CA

Conditions were nearly ideal at the start, stunning sunrise and a bit chilly but warmed up quickly as we climbed out of Stinson. Started too far back with friends doing the 50K and got stuck behind a conga line all the way up Steep Ravine. It made for a nice warm up since my legs were feeling heavy. 

Happy to reach the top of Pantoll and could now move freely, descending the single track to Muir Woods. It was so pretty! Kept the momentum on the second climb up Ben Johnson, invoking power hiking and knew I could fly down Deer Park once I reached the peak. 

Didn’t drink or eat until 1.5 hrs into the race – had a gel 250cal then and felt good. After a second gel an hour later, my stomach started feeling a bit nauseous which never happens, plus it was getting warmer and my right ankle started aching. The transition from flat and downhill to the climb up Heather Cutoff resulted in calf and quad cramping which never let up for the rest of the run. I had prepared myself mentally knowing it was the crux of the race but for some reason, it was still such a struggle fest to keep a steady cadence, and frustrated with how it impacted my movement. It was a juxtaposition to be in that state of mind surrounded by such stellar views!  

Thoughts pivoted to counting steps and didn’t allow myself to walk more than 20 steps, keeping in mind how privileged it was to be able to do this. Yet cramps seem to move like waves, traveling from the toes to calves to quads and even hamstrings. It was on an infinite loop with no exit. Tried to look for something salty at the final aid station at Cardiac, took in a potato ball which was promised to have salt but it was so bland! Chased the bitter taste with a maple syrup gel and hoped the consumption of either edible would put a shock to the nervous system, but to no avail. Cramps persisted. It did ease off just in time for the stairs descent but cramped again on the next roller. Given this was my standard during previous races, there was only one option – to push through since it possibly couldn’t get worse. Crossed the finish knowing it took so much focus to sustain high efforts, but with great satisfaction knowing I gave it my all! There is joy in working harder. Of course, the cramps eased immediately after stopping. 

Sunrise, Hwy 1
Stinson Beach, Pre race

Additional Notes

Pre-race: oatmeal with AB 
During: 3x gels: 250 cal, 180 cal, 100 cal. 
30oz TW. 1x potato ball. 

Lessons learned
– Need to go back to basics: hydrate on the daily, with electrolytes
– Avoid strength training few days before race
– It takes a lot of mental commitment and focus to keep efforts high  

Total time: 3:48
Total ascent: 4,203 ft elevation
Avg 454 ft of change per mile